Provectus are Number 1 in the UK

Provectus and FCC are number one for the treatment of hazardous soils in the UK.

Leading The Way With Hazardous Soil Treatment

Ever wondered where to tip contaminated soil? or what to do when you encounter oily soil or soil with asbestos? Well, it appears from the Environment Agency official waste return data that Provectus are the first choice.

In 2022, we treated 6% more hazardous soil than our nearest competitor, this increasing to 38% more in 2023. Furthermore, in 2022, we submitted a number of permit and planning applications to allow us to double the number of hazardous soil treatment facilities that we operate with FCC Environment.

This means that for customers asking themselves how much does it cost to dispose of contaminated soil, or what to do with contaminated soil; then they are more than likely to get a more cost effective solution with Provectus than anyone else.

How Do I Know if My Soil is Contaminated?

For those who want to know if their soil is contaminated, then we offer rapid testing of soils for metals and TPH and are able to issue same day quote based upon the results of this rapid testing.

Where a comprehensive assessment is required, we undertake this at UKAS accredited laboratories and provide customers with a complete waste classification in accordance with Environment Agency document WM3.

Recovery or Disposal of Hazardous Soil?

So, it is a question of soil disposal or soil recycling? Unlike when using a landfill, if you send soils to a Provectus site then this is fully recovered and allows for the recycling of hazardous soils. This allows you to meet the obligations of the waste hierarchy and divert soils with hazardous metals, hydrocarbons, or asbestos away from hazardous landfill.

A diesel, kerosene or heating oil spill are treatable meaning that we will offer a landfill tax exempt cost effective solution with the soil being recovered for restoration use, rather than resulting in a large soil disposal invoice.

If you want to receive a same day quote for managing either contaminated soil or a soil surplus then just contact us on the button below.