Asbestos Contaminated Soil Removal & Disposal

Provectus Soils Management help customers who want to manage their surplus soils in the most cost effective and compliant manner.

Provectus Soils Management ltd was created with a sole focus to provide customers with the most cost effective solution for dealing with surplus soils from brownfield sites. In particular we are specialists in the management of contaminated soils classified as hazardous waste.

We did this by forming the UK’s most experienced team of hazardous soil treatment specialists and creating a strategic alliance with FCC, one of the largest waste management companies in the UK.

Our extensive waste knowledge helps us to support clients in understanding the composition of their waste soils. The aim for us is to provide complete cost certainty for our customers. This extensive experience also helps us understand how cost savings can be realised in a timely manner. We undertake supplementary soil testing if we believe there are opportunities to support cost reductions for clients.

We support customers in segregating different waste types within their surplus volume to give them not only the lowest overall cost, but total cost certainty from the outset. This is unique, given the high degree of uncertainty when dealing with contaminated soils and the cost risks associated with managing hazardous waste.

By using FCC’s existing infrastructure and implementing soil treatment facilities on their strategic soil recovery sites, we are able to offer customers the most cost effective solution for non-hazardous and hazardous soils disposal. Clients also benefit from the solution being landfill tax exempt.

Our soil treatment facilities have a specialist focus on treating hydrocarbon contaminated soils and soils contaminated with asbestos as these are the most common contaminants that result in soils being classified as hazardous waste.

Compliance is a key metric for us. Therefore, all soil disposal activities are accompanied with a digital waste report. This provides you with complete transparency on the amount of contaminated waste received for treatment and recovery from your project.